Mow your lawn regularly. If you're in a high-risk area, treat your yard with tick preventative pesticides.
- Consider using tick tubes around your property to reduce the tick population.
- When walking in parks or nature preserves, stay on paths and avoid underbrush and tall
- Apply a tick repellent product such as Picaridin, Oil
of Lemon Eucalyptus or DEET, or an insecticide like Permethrin before going
outdoors. Read the label for proper usage and to determine if the
product is effective against ticks.
- Protect yourself by wearing light-colored clothing, long pants and
long sleeved shirts, and tucking your pants legs into your socks.
- Examine yourself carefully after excursions to tick-infested areas
- especially parks, woods, and beaches. If you find an attached tick remove it. If you notice a suspicious rounded or "bulls eye" rash
(a rounded rash with a clear area in the center), report this to your
Tick prevention for pets:
- Keep your pet away from underbrush, tall weeds and grasses. During
walks, keep your dog on paths and sidewalks (on leash if necessary).
- Ticks do not attach immediately - brushing your pet (preferably
on a light colored surface or over a white sheet) before bringing
them inside can help you find and remove ticks before they bite your
- Use tick repellents intended for pets such as tick collars or Frontline
(top spot or spray). Some products are
harmful to cats - read and follow directions and precautions on the
label. Consult your
veterinarian for advice as to which product is most suitable for your
See also: How to remove a tick